Account Based Intelligence: Understand your accounts like never before

The most comprehensive account based insights available, based on thousands of documents per account

In the realm of sales and marketing, information is the cornerstone of strategy. PG:ai redefines the landscape of account-based insights by leveraging a powerful blend of data extraction and analytical prowess, providing a panoramic view of each target account like never before. Our platform meticulously gathers information from a wealth of public documents—including annual reports, earnings call transcripts, and an extensive array of web pages—tailoring a comprehensive dossier on each account.

A Deep Dive into Strategic Insights

  • Extensive Data Collection: PG:ai taps into the wealth of knowledge contained in public records, from detailed annual reports to insightful earnings call transcripts. This is supplemented by an exhaustive analysis of thousands of web pages per account, ensuring no stone is left unturned.
  • Robust Analytics Engine: At the heart of PG:ai is our advanced analytics engine, designed to distill vast amounts of data into actionable insights. This engine powers the creation of the industry's most in-depth account profiles, highlighting strategic priorities, digital strategies, and potential risks.
  • Comprehensive Account Overview: Our insights go beyond the surface to explore organisational structure, geographical operations, the full extent of the tech stack, historical context, the executive team, and a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. This holistic approach ensures a nuanced understanding of each target account.
  • Focused Strategy Insights: PG:ai delves into over 50 specific strategies relevant to modern businesses, including cybersecurity, cloud computing, digital transformation, content strategies, and risk management. This focused analysis enables sales and marketing teams to align their efforts with the strategic direction of their target accounts.
  • Technology Stack Exploration: Understanding an account's technology stack is crucial for tailoring your pitch. PG:ai provides a detailed overview of the entire tech ecosystem of each account, offering insights into their current capabilities and potential need.

Custom Data Points for Tailored Intelligence

What sets PG:ai apart is not just the depth of our analysis but also the flexibility to adapt to your unique requirements. Recognising that each business has its own set of priorities, PG:ai offers the capability to collect and analyse custom data points. Whether it's a niche area of interest or a specific operational detail, our platform can be tailored to gather and analyse the exact information you need about your prospects.

This unparalleled level of detail and customisation makes PG:ai the go-to solution for businesses seeking to gain a competitive edge through deep, actionable account insights. With PG:ai, you’re not just informed; you’re insightfully empowered to make strategic decisions that drive your sales and marketing efforts to new heights.

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